The Rock Trust works with 16-25 year olds who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. We believe that homelessness is more t ... han rooflessness and that young people need to learn social and practical skills to be active participating members of their community and society. We work with young people who are leaving care or home, those involved in offending, alcohol or drug misuse and those with mental health issues. Our role is to advise, educate and support young people to enable them to build the personal skills and resources required to make a positive and healthy transition to adulthood whilst avoiding or moving on from homelessness. We offer more than 50 bed spaces each night to provide accommodation to young people whilst we offer mediation and support to plan for a safe and stable future. Young tenants will learn how to look after themselves and their accommodation and how to interact within their communities. We then have projects which can enable them to learn skills which will help them to find employment through practical lessons and volunteer placements in a variety of organisations. Of the young people who access our services 84% enter employment, education and training and 96% move to more permanent housing which they maintain. read more
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