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Ringrose Law

Law Practice ยท Boston, Lincolnshire
Website: www.ringroselaw.co.uk

At Ringrose Law our philosophy is 'where individuals count'. Whether you are moving home, making a Will, involved in court pr ... oceedings or whatever your legal need, we are committed to delivering the best outcomes for our clients. With over 100 years of experience we povide a full range of legal services to both private individuals and business clients across Lincolnshire and Newark. We take great pride in being accredited with LEXCEL and Investors in People, both of which are nationally recognised standards that prove the quality of our service and our commitment to the continual education, training and improvement of our staff. We recognise that when you instruct a solicitor you are making a very important decision. You need to be assured that the firm you choose can not only do the job, but can do it efficiently, keeping you informed and responding and adapting to your every need. At Ringrose Law we pride ourselves in achieving these high standards. read more

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