Ridgeline Executive Group, Inc. - Similar companies

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Ridgeline Executive Group, Inc.

Leisure, Travel & Tourism ยท Granby, CO
Website: ridgelineexecgroup.com

Ridgeline Executive Group specializes in providing a comprehensive suite of contemporary, effective and highly-impactful prof ... essional management and leadership development services to midsize organizations operating in the mountain resort and hospitality industries. Ridgeline was founded upon those principles, beliefs and values associated with high-performance, values-based and mission focused organizations and teams. This foundation coupled with our experience allows us to very effectively support businesses with a broad spectrum of services. With extensive experience with mergers and acquisitions and asset disposition, transition management and ongoing management and leadership development, The Ridgeline Executive group has a full complement of experience and resources. The Ridgeline Executive Group maintains nearly 40 years of senior executive level experience within all facets of ski resort operations and maintains a network of partners who are broadly considered best-in-class in every facet of mountain planning, operations and management. We hold ourselves and our partners to a high standard of performance and professionalism. By way of an unfailing focus on team and mission, we engage and inspire those with whom we work. read more

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