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RIB Software

Computer Software · Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg
Website: www.rib-software.com

RIB Software SE is a pioneer in the digitalization of the construction industry. The company develops and offers cutting-edge ... digital technologies for construction enterprises and projects across various industries worldwide. iTWO 4.0, RIB's flagship cloud-based platform, provides the world's first enterprise cloud technology based on 6D BIM with AI integration for construction companies, industrial companies, developers and project owners, etc. Combining iTWO 4.0 with Microsoft Azure, we offer to the market the MTWO construction cloud platform to help our customers achieve long-term digital transformation success. RIB Software SE is a member of Schneider Electric and headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany and Hong Kong, China. With over 2,700 talents in more than 25 countries worldwide, RIB is targeting to transform the construction industry into the most sustainable and digitalized industry in the 21st century. Career opportunities here: https://www.rib-software.com/en/group/career/ Follow us on Twitter: RIB Software Join us on Facebook: RIB Software See us on YouTube: RIB Software Follow us on Instagram: rib_software Contact us by: ribmarketing@rib-software.com read more

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