SHIVA is a research project supported by a grant overseen by the French National Research Agency as part of the “Investisseme ... nts d’Avenir” Program (ANR-18-RHUS-0002). Awarded with 8,2M€, SHIVA aims at slowing down cognitive decline and preventing dementia by understanding and treating cerebral small vessel disease. SHIVA aims to better understand the determinants and consequences of cerebral small vessel disease through innovative imaging, molecular and analytical approaches, to develop new personalized diagnostic and preventive strategies and to accelerate the discovery of novel therapeutic targets. Our consortium gathers internationnaly recognized research teams and clinical partners from 6 academic institutions (in Bordeaux and Paris) with complementary expertise (basic science, clinical research and epidemiology...) and 3 French SMEs in IT solutions (Fealinx, Imagine Eyes and Qynapse), optical instrumens and brain imaging medical device software. SHIVA partners have a longstanding trackrecord of collaboration and a leadership role in several key international consortia. read more
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