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Revchem Composites

Chemicals · Bloomington, CA

Revchem Composites is committed to increasing the productivity and profitability of composite fabricators. We offer an extens ... ive selection of composite materials, supplies, and equipment. Our large inventory, personalized customer service, fast & flexible delivery, on-site sales support, and technical expertise, makes us a valuable partner to the composites industry. We offer more than 4,000 products from over 200 suppliers. If we do not already have what you need, then we will promptly source the product you are looking for. We have 6 west coast distribution centers to quickly deliver your order, often the next day. We ship worldwide, supplying customers throughout North America, South America, Europe and Asia. Our technical sales team provides expert advice and on-site support. For over 40 years, we have helped customers improve their processes, re-engineer their parts and grow their business. We do what it takes to help keep your business profitable and relevant in today’s ever changing environment. Composite Solutions… Delivered Daily Since 1975. Contact Revchem Composites, 2720 South Willow Avenue, Bloomington, CA 92316 1.800.281.4975 Fax: 909.877.8475 read more

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