Results Radio LLC - Similar companies

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Results Radio LLC

Marketing and Advertising ยท Santa Rosa, CA

Results Radio, LLC, is proud to offer a stable family of thirteen FM stations serving the Sacramento Valley in Northern Calif ... onia. From Rock to Country, CHR to Oldies, Smooth Jazz to Hot Adult Contemporary, Results Radio has a station for every listening audience. We agressively market each station through community-focused events, promotions and advertising. This increased community awareness, along with our experienced on-air personalities, attracts a loyal listening audience. Just as our stations have something to offer every listener, each station also has unique qualities that will benefit every advertiser. Selected individually or in combinations, our stations can help advertisers pinpoint the demographics of the people most likely to buy their products and services. Redding California; KESR, KEWB, KKXZ, KHRD and KNCQ Chico California; KCEZ, KBQB, KRQR, and KTHU Yuba City-Marysville; KKCY, KUBA and KMJE Sacramento California; KCCL read more

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