REEL Möller GmbH - Similar companies

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REEL Möller GmbH

Machinery · Pinneberg, Schleswig-Holstein

REEL MÖLLER GmbH designs, develops and manufactures conveying and storage solutions for the mining industry and for an expand ... ing range of adjacent industries, including for cement. Through our MÖLLER product brand, we offer both standardised and customised applications suitable for any specific needs and requirements our customers may have. Our products and solutions are utilised in applications in a wide range of industries from cement and lime, over plaster and power, to metals and minerals. We support the entire transport chain, from incoming materials delivery, over storage and conveyance, to outgoing delivery, with premium high-tech products. Our offerings also include truck, waggon and ship loading and unloading systems but also, of course, key components such as the MÖLLER valves, rotary flow control valves, two-way diverter valves, rotary vane feeders, Air Gravity Conveyor and Pneumatic Elevators .. Hundreds of references for fly ash, Denox ash, coarse ash, limestone, lime hydrate etc. are testament to our engineers' special know-how. read more

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