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R&DE Stanford Dining

Food & Beverages · Stanford, California
Website: rde.stanford.edu

As the dining program for one of the leading research and academic institutions in the world, R&DE Stanford Dining is committ ... ed to excellence in the pursuit of delicious and sustainable food. R&DE Stanford Dining supports the academic mission of the University, which along with the dining halls, are living and learning environments where research can thrive. Stanford’s seven undergraduate and graduate schools perform interdisciplinary research, which addresses business, educational, environmental, social, legal, and medical issues relating to food. R&DE Stanford Dining believes that food is a function of this multidisciplinary educational experience, and collaborates with a variety of schools and academic disciplines across campus to engage in food issues. Of particular interest are food issues related to health, the environment, social equity, and behavioral science. You can learn more about our programs and leadership through recent media coverage such as these articles: -Plate Magazine: https://plateonline.com/chefs-and-restaurants/how-stanford-university-became-teaching-model-gender-equity?allowguest=true -Food Management: https://www.food-management.com/news-trends/viewpoint-new-multi-campus-study-reveals-two-untapped-strategies-reducing-food-waste -FoodTank: https://foodtank.com/news/2021/06/rde-stanford-dining-joins-drawdown-labs/ -NACUFS Magazine: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pj7OYR_oMBr52NjDaWVrf56s8FI_FxVJ/view?usp=sharing read more

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