Rauch-Milliken International, Inc. - Similar companies

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Rauch-Milliken International, Inc.

Financial Services ยท Metairie, LA
Website: www.rauchmilliken.com

RMI is a globally-recognized leader in effective receivables management services, including both 1st & 3rd party B2B Collecti ... ons and Creditor's Rights Enforcement services. In business since 1989, RMI has successfully recovered delinquent A/R revenue in numerous international jurisdictions on 6 different continents. Accreditations and Memberships include: * The prestigious Commercial Collection Agencies of America * The American Collectors Association * The International Association of Commercial Collectors * National Association of Credit Management * Credit Research Foundation * Finance, Credit & International Business Association * Media Financial Management Association - Partner Member * Association of Directory Publishers - Partner Member RMI is proud to be one of only 5% of the B2B Collection Firms that has FULLY complied with all of the ever-changing licensing laws, so we are able to serve our clients LEGALLY and ETHICALLY in all 50 states. RMI also provides customized letter programs, Credit Policy Consulting, Complete Portfolio Outsourcing and other related services. Simply put, we do anything and everything to help our clients MAXIMIZE their bottom line recovered A/R revenue. Rauch-Milliken International - " Don't Settle For Less"! read more

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