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Raincity Studios

Marketing and Advertising ยท Vancouver, BC
Website: www.raincitystudios.com

What's the story on Raincity Studios? Glad you're curious! We're not shy, here's the lowdown ... You already know we build pe ... ople-powered web communities which, fortunately, we really enjoy doing. Beyond the biz though, it's no secret the Raincity squad are really into this whole "open source/open business" stuff. Frankly, we enjoy sharing knowledge, making social media and participating in the advancement of useful technology. Diligently working from our HQ in Vancouver, Canada, we put this "open everything" philosophy into action by catalyzing un-conferences, teaching at colleges, presenting at workshops, working with NPO/NGOs for social goodness, and creating grassroots art and media at events far and wide. read more

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