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R Street Institute

Think Tanks · Washington, DC
Website: www.rstreet.org

The R Street Institute is a non-profit, non-partisan, public policy research organization (“think tank”). Our mission is to e ... ngage in policy research and outreach to promote free markets and limited, effective government. In addition to our D.C. headquarters, we have offices in Florida, Texas, California, Alabama and Ohio. We work extensively on both state and national policy, focusing on issues that other groups tend to neglect. Our specialty is in tackling issues that are complex, but don’t necessarily grab major headlines. These are the areas where we think we can have a real impact. We believe free markets work better than the alternatives. At the same time, we recognize the legislative process calls out for practical responses to current problems. Toward that end, our motto is “Free markets. Real solutions.” We also differ from other groups on the political right in our dedication to building broad coalitions, working with a wide array of groups who share specific policy goals. This makes us uniquely capable of building support for pragmatic free-market proposals that can earn bipartisan consensus. Learn more: http://www.rstreet.org/about/why-r-street/ read more

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