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R-Biopharm Rhône Ltd.

Biotechnology · Glasgow, Scotland
Website: www.r-biopharm.com

For the latest information on our products please see our parent company page R-Biopharm AG. Since the formation of the compa ... ny R-Biopharm Rhône (RBR) has established itself as a leading developer of test solutions for food and feed analysis, manufacturing test kits that offer high precision and accuracy. The company primarily focuses on the development and sales of premium quality immunoaffinity tests for mycotoxins, vitamins and antibiotics. RBR is one of R-Biopharm AG (RBAG) most profitable subsidiaries of its parent company and is the only subsidiary in the group which manufactures and exports. Today RBR promotes its products through RBAG’s own subsidiary companies and distributors as well as selling the R-Biopharm AG product range in the UK for both food and feed and clinical analysis. Many RBR test kits have undergone official validation and certification, and RBR products have an enviable reputation worldwide within their field. Immunoaffinity column testing kits are sold under the EASI-EXTRACT®, and PREP® brand names as well as our KOBRA® CELL. To ensure that a high level of quality is maintained all products are manufactured under our Quality Management System which is accredited to ISO 9001. The company’s key objective is to be a dependable manufacturer and first point of contact for customers providing competent advice on every sector it serves. For RBR the future looks set to offer exciting prospects in the field of food and feed analysis as well as many other areas. The company is well positioned to advance the development of innovative products. read more

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