Quirepace Ltd. - Similar companies

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Quirepace Ltd.

Mechanical or Industrial Engineering · Fareham, Hampshire
Website: www.quirepace.co.uk

Innovation in vacuum and conveying technology. We combine proven products with carefully designed solutions to deliver outsta ... nding benefits to our customers. Our extensive experience enables us to best interpret our customers’ requirements and aspirations, in order to deliver first-class products, systems and services. Now based in Fareham, but with a long history connected with Gosport, Quirepace are located in an area which presents both the modern and technical mixed with a sense of history and tradition. This environment reflects the Ethos of Quirepace; our objective is to deliver exciting products that deliver value for money and incorporate the latest technologies, and at the same time conduct our business with one foot in the tradition of Quality, Service and British Manufacturing enterprise. We think we succeed in doing this. Our staff are a mix of people with long and illustrious careers at Quirepace, combined with younger people with new talents. Our operations are at the forefront of design techniques incorporating the latest 3D modelling, combined with the flexibility that hand-finishing allows us to deliver in our manufactured products. We will always attempt to “understate and over deliver”, never the reverse, which helps to ensure our customers remain repeat customers, and our new customers are pleasantly surprised when we more than satisfy their aspirations. We are an ISO9001 registered Company. We have an enlightened attitude to Environmental issues, and strive to apply “green credentials” wherever possible. read more

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