Quantum Learning Network - Similar companies

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Quantum Learning Network

Education Management ยท Oceanside, CA
Website: www.qln.com

Over the past 29 years, QLN's academic summer camp, youth programs, in-school and workshop programs in the areas of learning- ... and-life skills, teaching and training, and effective learning environments have become a leading resource for students, parents, teachers, school administrators and businesses. QLN President and co-founder, Bobbi DePorter's vision of schools, families, and businesses producing creative and responsible people ready to participate in a global community, has remained strong and continues to grow. SuperCamp, QLN's learning and life skills academic summer camp program for students from 6th grade through college, began its first program with 64 people. Today, with a new 42,000 square foot Southern California campus and worldwide academic programs and training, SuperCamp has graduated over 55,000 students. SuperCamp's innovative and engaging learning-to-learn techniques help students increase their academic achievement in such areas as reading, study skills, writing, math and critical thinking, while also enhancing important life skills in the areas of communication, leadership, relationships, self-worth, personal responsibility, goal-setting and much more. Over 5 million students have been impacted through the company's Quantum Learning youth programs. read more

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