Quality Control Labs LLC - Similar companies

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Quality Control Labs LLC

Construction ยท Woodside, New York
Website: www.qclny.com

Quality Control Laboratories, LLC is a full service quality control/quality assurance company currently providing comprehensi ... ve special inspections, laboratory testing services and monitoring of adjacent existing building movement for cracks, settlement and tilt due to excessive ground vibration during construction for various demanding construction projects within the New York, New Jersey and Connecticut Metropolitan Areas. Our Engineers, Inspectors and Technicians are experienced in the field and laboratory and are certified by ACI, NICET, ICC and AWS. The company was established in 2004 by Mr. Edgar R. Cimafranca, President. He has over 30 years of wide-ranging experience in the construction industry, more specifically on materials testing and construction inspections. Mr. Cimafranca is a voting member of ASTM Committee C09, C27 and E60 of the American Society of Testing and Materials. He is also a member of The American Concrete Institute (ACI) and a Certified Welding Inspector and member of the American Welding Society (AWS). read more

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