Qualico Canada - Similar companies

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Qualico Canada

Real Estate ยท Winnipeg, Manitoba
Website: www.qualico.com

As the largest fully integrated, privately-owned real estate company in western Canada, Qualico has been welcoming families h ... ome for over 70 years. Our principles and ethics have remained true to those of our founders, David and Katherine Friesen. With single-family, multi-family, land and commercial developments, building supply and property management companies operating across western Canada and Texas, Qualico is proud to supply housing and lifestyles to thousands of families each year. Our commitment extends to our people - our most valuable asset. From each new community we create, to the finely-crafted homes we build, our people are our strength. As leaders in innovation, safety, and environmental standards, Qualico's people bring their vast experience and unparalleled professionalism and spirit to all we undertake. We invite you to experience Qualico - our people, our products, and our way of thinking. read more

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