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Renewables & Environment ยท District 5, Kabul
Website: www.qrtdw.com

QRTDW has extensive experience through its own work and the work of its partners. QRTDW as an Afghan firm has been working in ... the area of renewable energies for the past 30 years. QRTDWs project management experience during the system design and installation of thousands of Kw of solar projects for USACE, PRT, GIZ, Etisalat, private clients, etc. has found significant praise by their management. QRTDW has a strong Afghan based management team coupled with a strong international partner staff specialized in various aspects of renewable energy work from design to manufacturing, installation, and operation and maintenance work. Our onsite and project staff members are all qualified engineers and technicians with experience in installation, operation, and maintenance of complex solar and wind power systems. read more

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