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Protrans Express Freight

Transportation/Trucking/Railroad · Moorebank, NSW

Protrans Express is a company that has grown entirely on recommendation. We strive to bring operational excellence to all the ... transportation services we provide with an integrity that delivers a safe, secure, reliable,service that can’t be bettered. Building good strong relationships and continued loyalty, helping our customers to gain a competitive advantage Protrans express is Australia's only transport and logistics provider that can offer clients an all round solution on a budget With a range of service options that include; National and Metropolitan Distribution, Dedicated Hire Taxi Trucks, Interstate Linehaul and Custom Tailored Packages, Protrans Express will provide your company with a complete logistics and warehousing solution that will be tailored to suit your needs. Technology Protrans Express has always prided itself on its strong customer service and has always sought to maximize this strength by the use of the most innovative technological solutions available. GPS Tracking Each vehicle is fitted with a compact vehicle tracking module, which communicates with Protrans’ servers using the GPRS network. Vehicle position updates can be recorded as often as 10 seconds, providing turn-by-turn and street-bystreet detail of vehicle activities. Online Client Portal All Protrans Express clients are supplied an online username and password to access our online account portal. With this information, clients can access our system and Create new bookings, Check the details of existing and historical bookings and; Track jobs with the current status, pickup and delivery PDA Technology These highly portable units allow drivers to electronically receive information from our dispatchers and web bookings. This process minimizes human error and gives each driver access to much more information. On receipt, the driver obtains an electronic proof of delivery and EDI Integration read more

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