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Professional Motorsport World

Automotive ยท Dorking, Surrey

Brought to you by the team that produces Professional Motorsport World and organizers Professional MotorSport World Expo, thi ... s online edition brings you weekly industry news, racing, and team updates - and more! To get the latest news delivered straight to your inbox every week โ€“ subscribe here: Professional Motorsport World comprises news, interviews, and articles, as well as special features covering the full spectrum of motorsport technology. It highlights the latest products and services available to the industry, from advanced engine technologies, chassis development, test systems and services, composite technologies, performance materials, and components through paddock equipment, tracks, and transportation to sponsorship and marketing. Online: Professional Motorsport World, the magazine for the people in the business of motor racing โ€“ is now online! Visit our website to keep up to date with the latest racing news and industry developments, as well as web-exclusive articles, opinion pieces, recruitment opportunities, useful links weekly news, and access to a supplier directory. Visit the website and browse from an archive of previous issues โ€“ and read online: read more

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