Pontificio Ateneo Sant'Anselmo - Similar companies

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Pontificio Ateneo Sant'Anselmo

Higher Education ยท Rome, Latium
Website: www.anselmianum.com

The Pontifical Athenaeum S. Anselmo, originally founded in 1687 by Pope Innocent XI as a university for Benedictine in Rome, ... was re-established and entrusted to the whole Benedictine Confederation as its international university by Pope Leo XIII in 1887. S. Anselmo, the international university of the Benedictine order in Rome, is thus committed to offering: + University studies for the baccalaureate in philosophy, theology and liturgy. + Post-graduate courses for licenses and doctorates with specialisations in: Spiritual Theology (grounded on the monastic tradition) Monastic Studies Sacred Liturgy Sacramental Theology History of Theology Philosophy of Religion + Short Specialisation Courses + On-line courses read more

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