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Pollen Street Capital

Financial Services ยท London, London
Website: www.pollencap.com

Pollen Street Capital is an independent alternative investment management company, focused on accelerating the progress of th ... e financial and business services sectors. Established in 2013, it operates across private equity and credit strategies on behalf of investors including leading pension funds, asset managers, banks, and family offices from around the world. We are a team of 70+ professionals with offices in London and New York. In financial and business services, technological innovation and changing consumer behaviours are creating opportunities to build quality businesses that serve well-defined target markets. Pollen Street Capital uses its deep experience to help its partner companies take advantage of these opportunities and build high growth, sustainable businesses that deliver a compelling proposition to their customers. Portfolio Pollen Street Capital works with partners who have a solid foundation and strong core attributes, supporting them and their management teams with expertise and capital to drive growth. We invest in sectors which have the agility and ambition to be at the forefront of change, and maximise opportunities within the evolving landscape, looking in particular at high growth lending, insurance, wealth, payments, technology, and services. Pollen Street Hub The Pollen Street Capital Hub facilitates a collaborative approach and builds a trusted ecosystem that facilitates best practice adoption and accelerated innovation in a fast-changing environment. The Hub is a dedicated team with a systematic approach to drive growth, technology development and collaboration across the portfolio. It enables insights and access to expertise on opportunities such as data, technology and ESG, as well as a formulaic approach for business development across the portfolio and wider Pollen Street Capital network. read more

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