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Point of Care Decision Support

Computer Software ยท Saint Paul, MN
Website: www.ptofcare.com

Point of Care Decision Support, LLC (PCDS) is a healthcare software company that transforms evidence-based guidelines into in ... telligent tools for the point of care. With its Dynamic Decision Support Platform as the core anchor, PCDS builds intuitive healthcare tools that measure and improve the quality of patient care, provide real-time data and analysis, and have a meaningful and measurable return on investment. This provides consistency across every application available, helping patients and their healthcare providers manage chronic disease conditions. Interoperable with all major EMR/EHR systems, the Dynamic Decision Support platform easily integrates new technology with existing investments, reducing implementation and operating costs. PCDS customers are able to more easily innovate and evolve with the changing needs of the business at a lower cost. Visit www.ptofcare.com to learn more about their anticoagulation (AC), asthma and other chronic disease applications in their solutions library. read more

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