Established in 2000, PlusChem is a European based network of distributors with a particular focus in speciality and fine chem ... icals. The eighth largest global distribution organisation* with a total turnover of €1.5 billion, PlusChem is comprised of six European and eight international companies, each of which is independently and privately owned. Operating in over 21 countries globally, PlusChem has partners internationally. Key industries we support; Pharmaceutical, food, feed, cosmetic, agrochemical, industrial, medical polymer, coating, adhesive and rubber. PlusChem’s, Executive Director, Dr.David Salter has over thirty years of experience in the chemical space and has a 1st class honour degree in Chemistry from Lancaster University. Involved since its inception, David has been guiding PlusChem since 2000. *ICIS Top 100 Chemical Distributors 2019 read more
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