The Plant Genome and Development Laboratory (LGDP) studies the dynamics of the plant genome and the regulation of gene expres ... sion, particularly during plant development, acclimation and adaptation to abiotic stresses. This mixed research unit (UMR 5096) brings together 55 members, including 38 permanent staff (19 CNRS, 18 UPVD and 1 IRD), 4 CDD researchers, 8 PhD students and 4 Master students, all organized into 7 complementary teams. The LGDP benefits from the support of two public institutions: the University of Perpignan Via Domitia (UPVD), the National Center for Scientific Research CNRS. The Laboratory is attached to the National Institute of Biological Sciences INSB of the CNRS and is a member of LabEx AGRO and TULIP, of the Local Research Federation (FREE, which includes the Bioenvironment platform), of two GDR CNRS (Mobil-ET and EPIPLANT ), two European “COST” programs (EPITRAN and INDEPTH) and a European Training Network (EpiDiverse). read more
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