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Planning For Care

Hospital & Health Care ยท Greenock, Inverclyde

Planning for Care Limited was created by the owner of an award winning Grade 6 Care Home, using her nursing background to dev ... elop this highly useful, time-saving management tool. Thousands of Nurses and Carers are using and benefiting from the Nursing Care Plans. Essential assessments and nursing care plans must be produced for each resident and must be current and updated regularly. We appreciate that the paper work is essential, but it is equally important to work with the residents and deliver excellent, practical care. The demands on nursing skill and time are considerable. The Planning for Care Nursing Management System helps: Save time writing up paper work Organise detailed and individualised nursing care plans Manage time more profitably Promote and enable excellent care for all residents. Our easy to use, educational and practical online management system is specially designed to assist your Care Home in meeting Care Inspectorate requirements and standards with exemplary care plans, policies and procedures. The Nursing Care Plan templates will guide nurses, key workers and carers to: Ask the correct questions Determine what issues the resident faces Analyse and set out clearly what plan of care is necessary for each resident Create an individualised, person-centred care plan which can be followed easily. read more

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