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Facilities Services · Osnabrück, Niedersachsen
Website: www.piepenbrock.de

It all began in 1913 with a professional window cleaning company. Since then, the Piepenbrock Group has become a leading mult ... i-service provider with an extensive portfolio of services. The family company is currently in the hands of the fourth generation and is represented all over Germany. Affiliated with approximately 70 branches, around 26,600 employees at a total of 800 locations work to ensure there are satisfied customers in the fields of Facility Management, Cleaning Services, Security Services, Maintenance, Clean Room Cleaning, Winter Services, Park Maintenance, Energy Management and Equipment Inspection. The Piepenbrock Group, with its headquarters in Osnabrück, stands for sustainable action. This can be seen, for example, in the company's environmental programme "Piepenbrock Goes Green" and the close collaboration with the charity organisation for children "Plan International Deutschland e. V.". Since the start of 2014, Piepenbrock has displayed the seal for "Verified Sustainability" from the German Institute for Sustainability and Economy. read more

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