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Penns Woods Bancorp, Inc.

Banking · Williamsport, PA

Penns Woods Bancorp, Inc., is the bank holding company for Jersey Shore State Bank (JSSB) and Luzerne Bank (LUZ). It was inco ... rporated in Pennsylvania on January 7, 1983, with JSSB as a wholly owned subsidiary and later acquired Luzerne Bank on June 1, 2013. In October 2000, JSSB acquired the M Group, Inc. D/B/A The Comprehensive Financial Group. The M. Group operates as a subsidiary of JSSB, offering insurance and securities brokerage services. Penns Woods Bancorp, Inc. is listed on the NASDAQ National Market under the symbol PWOD. At Penn's Woods Bancorp, Inc., we value leadership, the kind of insightful, strategic leadership necessary to ensure the ongoing success and integrity of the regional financial institutions we oversee. We take pride in the expertise, dedication to excellence, and commitment to community of our leadership team as well as the leadership serving at each of our member banks. As the bank holding company for Jersey Shore State Bank (JSSB) and Luzerne Bank (LUZ), Penns Woods Bancorp, Inc., manages and supervises these regional banking institutions that serve customers throughout north-central and northeastern Pennsylvania. Our principal source of income results from dividends paid by JSSB and LUZ through their account services as well as through the insurance and investment products available from JSSB’s subsidiary, M-Group D/B/A The Comprehensive Financial Group. read more

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