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Peninsula Private Hospital

Hospital & Health Care ยท Langwarrin, Victoria

Peninsula Private Hospital is a comprehensive 272 bed acute emergency, surgical, medical, cardiac and obstetric facility loca ... ted in the bayside town of Frankston in Melbourne's south eastern suburbs. The hospital currently accommodates a 14 bay emergency department, 160 medical and surgical, 36 cardiac, 11 ICU, 7 Neonatal, 14 Obstetric, and 33 Oncology beds which include 10 day infusion chairs. As a fully accredited health care facility we offer the highest standards of clinical care, patient service, and technology. Our specialists, nurses, and allied health practitioners have a reputation for excellence throughout the area. Built in 1999, the hospital is one of the newest and most advanced facilities of its kind. As a member of the Ramsay Health Care Network we enjoy access to a range of resources and expertise throughout Australia. Peninsula Private Hospital continues to undergo exciting development works which has seen the opening of the only private Emergency Department in this corridor of Melbourne in August 2016 and 60 new inpatient beds. Early 2018 Peninsula Private commenced building a new Cardiac Catheter Lab and an additional 4 Intensive Care Unit beds and we can also announce there will be further developments later in 2018. These developments will include: 2 state of the art operating theatres 66 wards beds 6 day oncology chairs Increased on-site car parking. read more

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