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Peard Real Estate

Real Estate · Subiaco, WA

Property is our passion! ...and it’s this passion that has seen us grow to become one of the largest and most respected, inde ... pendent real estate companies in the state. Driven by innovation, leading edge marketing and an entrepreneurial spirit, we pride ourselves on being results-driven and offering clients’ an unmatched service and superior results. Our company’s strength lies within our people and our unwavering attitude to servicing our clients to the highest degree. Every Peard Sales Associate is an experienced professional with extensive area knowledge and hundreds of hours of training behind them. When you enlist the service of one of our experts, you can be confident that you are in the safest of hands. We know that selling your home is likely to be one of the most important transactions you will make, and it’s our goal to ensure the experience is nothing but positive. read more

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