PDM S.p.A. - Similar companies

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PDM S.p.A.

Plastics ยท Modugno, Bari
Website: www.pdmeu.com

PDM produces preinsulated pipes for conditioning, heating, refrigerating, gas and medical systems. Futhermore PDM commerciali ... zes stainless steel tubes, sheets and fittings. It is a service center for grinding, circle patterning, scotch-brite manufacturing, frosting and polishing of stainless steel sheets, flat and square bars. The surrounding observance and defence are guaranteed by the environmental direction system ISO 14001 along with researching and using a low environmental impact machinery. Quality current research is guaranteed by the quality direction system ISO 9001/2000. Product current improvement is guaranteed by continuous monitor of internal lab, in collaboration with either University of research and Declarations Institutes. read more

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