Papierfabrik Adolf Jass GmbH & Co. KG - Similar companies

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Papierfabrik Adolf Jass GmbH & Co. KG

Paper & Forest Products ยท Fulda-Frauenberg, Hessen

Papierfabrik Adolf Jass is a family-run business. For over 50 years we have been producing ecologically friendly papers for c ... orrugated board packaging. All our paper grades are manufactured using 100% recovered paper. Together both locations, Fulda in Hesse and Rudolstadt/Schwarza in Thuringia, have an annual capacity of 1,000,000 tonnes of corrugated base papers. We are one of the leading paper producers in Germany and Europe in the corrugated packaging industry. Ecology and economy go hand-in-hand at Jass. Our future actions will continue to be shaped by recycling advancements. read more

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