Panther Associated Consultants Canada Inc - Similar companies

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Panther Associated Consultants Canada Inc

Management Consulting · Halifax, NS

Panther is a colloquial term used to refer to large felines classified in the genus Panthera. All Panther types have in commo ... n efficient and powerful movement and a propensity for clever planning. By use of the word “Panther” in our business name, it is our intention that clients will associate our firm and our services with these same desirable qualities. We offer Experts and Specialists in Security, Foodservice and Hospitality, Sales and Branding, Marketing, Event Development, Production and Management, Audio Visual Production and Procurement, Human Resources, Public Relations; and more in development. We are ready to provide Our Experts for Your Success. Each group of specialists work independantly of other diciplines, while benefiting from the economic efficiencies realized within our group-and allowing our experts to focus on our clients business. Often, our disciplines interact and the team come together to further the benefit of our clients and their ultimate successes. Our business group also includes our affiliated companies Digital Shark Marketing Media Burgess DiMauro Event Management Panther Security Consulting And our associated company Capture Branding and Design read more

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