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Pacte Novation

Information Technology and Services · ISSY LES MOULINEAUX

PACTE NOVATION (PN) exists since 1994 The company registrated on the free market of the Paris Stock Exchange by the end of 20 ... 00. Today, approximately 120 persons are working daily for the firm. Website: Offices: Paris / Nantes Subsidiaries: ADALOG - ASSIGRAPH INTERNATIONAL (AI) – NOVASYS INGENIERIE (NI) - - A software house with a differentiating and hi-tech marketing position A smooth repartition between our set of services: Consultancy / Technical Assistance Fixed-price / Software component A well-established practice of fixed-price contracts: more than 200 project references Consultancy conducted by highly experienced engineers A large coverage of businesses: Capitalisation on the very heart of their businesses: Railway signalling Finance/Trading: user-friendly MMI for traders, pricing methods of finance products (mathematical algorithms)… Media, publishing, advertising Supervision and monitoring of “slow”, “real-time” or “complex” process, telecom and energy equipments alarm filtering… A team of high-level computer engineers open to discover new business A close partnership relation with our customers: Sharing experiences through seminars: ergonomics, BRMS, eXtreme Programming (XP) and Scrum, optimisation, Real Time Software Collaboration to their own bids A network of prestigious software vendor partners: IBM/RATIONAL IBM/ILOG: added-value software components AUTODESK: CAD/CAM MICROSOFT JALIOS : CMS technology ORACLE GEOCONCEPT : geographic information system SYSGO : embedded software read more

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