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P. A.V. E.

Civic & Social Organization ยท Athens, GA
Website: www.pave4vets.com

P.A.V.E. - Professionals Advising Veterans Every day. We are a group of professionals who want to give back to those that put ... their lives on the line for this country. Any veteran can come to us with any advice related need, financial, legal, tax or career/business related and we will match them with a professional who could give them the advice they need and help P.A.V.E. the way for them to be successful. If you want to be a part of helping our vets, please reach out and connect with the Founder, Spencer Thomas, for more information and to be listed as one of our Professional Pavers. Veterans, we have over 70 dedicated Pavers ready and willing to help you with any advice related need you may have, so please reach out and let us know how we can help PAVE the way forward for you! read more

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