Otto Group Russia - Similar companies

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Otto Group Russia

Retail ยท Moscow, Moscow City

Otto Group is the worldwide leader in distance trade and e-commerce, with almost 70 years of history, 30 countries of presenc ... e and the headcount over 50 000 people. Otto Group has been operating in Russia since 1990. Now Otto Group Russia has around 1300 employees and includes the companies DIRECT CATALOGUE SERVICE (German brands Witt and bonprix), eSolutions (a company dedicated to online business development) as well as logistics and fulfillment company based in Tver: BUSINESS SERVICE. Due to the powerful combination of the expertise and innovative approach Otto Group Russia keeps its solid position in the highly competitive market, offering the customers unique shopping experience and quality support on each of its stages. All the companies of Otto Group are inspired and united by the shared mission and values. The commitment of 50,000 people in 30 countries generates phenomenal power, which drives our success: the Power of Responsibility. This is the corporate mission of Otto Group based on four values: profitability, innovation, diversity and sustainability. read more

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