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Oro Digital Markets

Professional Training & Coaching ยท London, England
Website: www.orodigitalmarkets.com

Oro are at the forefront of the new Digital Asset age, specialising in trading, Venture capital solutions, and Blockchain adv ... isory services. Prop Trading - Our proprietary trading floor provides a platform to work on a professional trading floor on a day to day basis and be educated in the methods that have provided our senior partners with combined 60 years of profitable trading & institutional experience. Venture Capital - Our team of experienced business leaders offer a comprehensive set of front to back solutions for Venture Capital fund Raising. Our in-house team & partnerships with industry leading service providers will give your business access to the following: Fund Raising Marketing KYC Checks Exchange Listings Regulatory Compliance Mentorship Blockchain - Our Areas of Focus Process Management Payment Networks Peer to Peer Capabilities Product Development Efficiency Improvement read more

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