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Maritime · Hamburg
Website: www.orionbulkers.com

We at Orion Reederei are proud to be among the world’s top managers of bulk carriers. Our team is made up of highly trained s ... hipping industry specialists, with around 70 on-shore staff at our offices in Hamburg and Manila and 1,400 seagoing personnel. It is directed by Johann Stephan Reith and Johann-Philipp Reith, respectively the fourth and fifth generations to head the family-owned business. Today we manage a fleet of nearly 50 bulk carriers. The fleet comprises a full range of ship size classifications: Handysizes, Supra- and Ultramaxes, Panamaxes, Kamsarmaxes and Capesizes. Orion was originally established on April 7th, 1931 as a private limited partnership in the Hanseatic city of Rostock, Germany. In 1936 the company relocated to Hamburg in order to be closer to its major clients and to operate in Germany’s shipping centre. • In 1949 Orion acquired a UK-built 9,000 dwt vessel named the MV Bellatrix. For about a year, the ship held the status of Germany’s largest merchant vessel. • In the 1950s, Orion had one of the first diesel-propelled merchant vessels on the water. • From the 1950s to 1960s, the company acquired a number of 5,000 to 7,000 dwt newbuildings. • During the 1970s and 1980s, Orion concentrated on operating larger vessels purchased on the secondhand market. • From the early 1990s, Orion then became heavily involved in a substantial newbuilding program of various bulk carrier series being built in Japan. Are you interested in a professional career at our headquarters, in a friendly and international work atmosphere? For further information about opportunities to work at our beautiful Hamburg office, located directly at the river Elbe in the historic Kaispeicher building, feel free to contact us at: jobs@orionbulkers.com. Or are you interested in a career at sea? We offer modern equipment, excellent maintenance standards and 24/7 employee support. We recruit year-round for a variety of positions. Please contact us at: atsea@orionbulkers.com. read more

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