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Opus DaytonKnight

Civil Engineering · North Vancouver, BC
Website: www.opusdaytonknight.com

For over 50 years we have provided robust environmental advice to Canadian clients large and small. Opus DaytonKnight Consult ... ants Ltd is a division of Opus International Consultants Ltd– a multi-disciplinary infrastructure consultancy with global reach and local connections. Opus has recently acquired the Canadian engineering and environmental consultancy Stewart Weir. The acquisition adds some 550 staff and 6 offices in Canada, bringing the Opus Canadian team to around 700 staff in 16 offices, and the Opus global team to more than 3,000 staff and 91 offices worldwide. Opus DaytonKnight has access to over 3,000 engineers, designers, planners, researchers and advisors working with more than 12,000 clients across Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United States and the United Kingdom. read more

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