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Open Health Alliance

Health, Wellness and Fitness ยท Athens, Athens

Open Health Alliance (OHA), is a not for profit, Medical Network, operating in Greece, in which members are: Doctors, Dentist ... s, Clinics, Multi-Clinics, Health Institutions, Citizens and Patients' Associations, which constitutes an integrated health community, with an anthropocentric character that supports the modernization of the medical community. It was created by doctors to enhance the value to the patient, with a vision to optimize the level of current medical services and inform the general public about health issues. Our Innovation, compared to other medical associations, is that Doctors and Patients are equal. Open Health Alliance, proposes and implements solutions that help the doctor-patient relationship to overcome the daily obstacles that the practitioner faces, thus the physician can exercise his scientific and social work undisturbed. We envision that Open Health Alliance to be an interactive cooperative of Physicians, in order to improve the working conditions of doctors, but also increase the quality of services provided to the patients. With this in mind, Open Health Alliance does not act only as a supporting institution for health services, but also organizes and participates in informative and preventive activities aimed at the wider community. The citizen through Open Health Alliance has access to renowned scientists from medical field of Greece, thus the patient can find solutions easily and quickly for his/hers health problems. Based on prevention, the citizen has a valuable ally in his/hers quest for medical information with the most modern means, that his/hers Doctor is provided with. Our vision is summed up in the following words: POWER TO THE DOCTOR, VALUE TO CITIZENS read more

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