Established in 2017, the Oakland Department of Transportation’s (OakDOT) mission is to envision, plan, build, operate and mai ... ntain a transportation system for the City of Oakland—in partnership with local transit providers and other agencies— and to assure safe, equitable, and sustainable access and mobility for residents, businesses and visitors. Since its launch, OakDOT has become a national model for incorporating equity into transportation planning, policy, programs and operations. From paving plans to emerging mobility, OakDOT is working to center racial equity in every organizational aspect and long-neglected communities are now being more authentically engaged and collaborating with government. OakDOT recognizes the dignity and worth of every human being with a special obligation to those who have been systematically excluded from the opportunity for mobility towards a safe, healthy & sustainable existence. OakDOT manages the public right of way for today and tomorrow in collaboration with Oaklanders, sister departments, and others in power. The department fully staffed exceeds 350 employees and has an operating budget in excess of $85 million and delivers a capital program of projects of about $55 million per year. The agency has jurisdiction over 800 miles of city-owned streets including 1,100 miles of sidewalks, more than 18,000 accessible pedestrian ramps, nearly 700 signalized intersections, 37,000 streetlights, 200,000 signs, over 10,000 metered on-street parking spaces and 20 off-street parking facilities with over 5,000 spaces and over 300 miles of bike facilities. read more
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