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Automotive · Fremont, California

New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc. (NUMMI) was the pioneering joint venture of General Motors Corporation and Toyota Motor ... Corporation. Established in Fremont, California, in 1984 and closed in 2010. Company Mission Statement: “Through teamwork, safely build the highest quality vehicles at the lowest possible cost to benefit our customers, team members, community and shareholders.” The company's core values are based on five cornerstones: teamwork, equity, involvement, mutual trust and respect, and safety. NUMMI helped change the automobile industry by introducing the Toyota Production System and a teamwork oriented environment to the United States. NUMMI grew to become a company of 5,000 team members who produced five award-winning vehicles: Toyota Hilux, Geo Prizm, Toyota Corolla, Toyota Tacoma, and Pontiac Vibe. Throughout its history, NUMMI worked hard to create a unique corporate culture that incorporated values from Toyota, General Motors, and the nearby Silicon Valley environment. NUMMI's collaborative partnership with the United Auto Workers has been the topic of numerous labor relations studies. After General Motors bankruptcy and decision to end the joint venture, then Toyota’s announcement that it would discontinue its contract, NUMMI ceased production in April 2010. Tesla purchased the NUMMI factory and property in 2010 and now produces its vehicles onsite. read more

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