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nudie Foods

Food and Beverage Services · Eastgardens, New South Wales

nudie was born one spring evening sitting at a kitchen bench in 2003, where we used nothing but fruit, squeezing and blending ... . And before we knew it, nudie was real. We were brave enough to take on the big players – a with a healthy dose of confidence and huge belief in our product, we thought we’d give it a crack. We didn’t stand still, we were constantly curious and led by good. We squished & squashed more fruit into each bottle while others played with concentrate. We wanted to promise nudie fans we would only ever give them REAL juice – which saw the creation of the nudie Nothing But promise. Since then we have been squeezing only the freshest fruit into a bottle, with no added nasties. We’re proud of what we’ve created and we’ve had a lot of fun (and luck!) while we’ve done it. Our drive is no longer purely based on creating good in a bottle but to create good, wherever and whenever we can. read more

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