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Information Technology and Services · Vila-real, Castellón

At NRS-Group we have been developing innovative solutions and marketing services for telecommunication providers, carriers, S ... MS agregators, mobile operators, OTTs and all kind of enterprises worldwide for nearly 20 years. NRS Group is a customer oriented company. We know their needs and we adapt to them. NRS-Group is not just a provider , our belief in constant innovation leads us to become partners of our customers, developing improvements and new products for them. Our core business is SMS. NRS-Group is an Operator registered with the National Market and Competition Commission. We currently offer delivery services to thousands of customers worldwide as well as other services such as HLR, MNP, 2WAYS, Text2speech, Mailing and PushApp and PushWeb Notifications. Our growth over the years has been based on the great human and technical team at NRS. Thanks to this we have been able to develop many tools for the sending and management of communications. More than 60 professionals in 5 countries work every day to provide a quality service to our customers. We have three platforms of own development and full performance: - NRSGATEWAY: Platform for massive SMS sending with worldwide connections, aimed at MNOs, OTTs and telecommunication providers. - 360NRS: Multi-channel platform for sending communications through SMS, mail and notifications PushApp and PushWeb, aimed at all kind of enterprises. - SMSEASY: White label platform for SMS management, Text2speech and 2Ways shipments aimed at resellers. read more

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