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NOX Group Israel

Entertainment ยท Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv

NOX Group, based out of Tel Aviv, is the leading company in the food & beverages industry in Israel, specializing in culture, ... nightlife and hospitality. The founders of NOX understand that clubs and bars are representative of a city's culture. Our venues provides tourists and locals with fond memories and experiences of Tel Aviv. NOX group has hosted generations of party goers, employs a wide range of contemporary professionals, and has grown the entertainment industry in Tel Aviv in hopes of adding to client's enjoyment of nightlife in Israel. Since the successful opening of Mendalimos, the group has opened 7 additional venues including: Atlanta Dream Markid Light Rubi Kanta Emesh And Paulaner Beer Garden in Sharona. NOX Group also owns a professional Bar-tending school and an events bar services company. Today there are over 80 thousand party goers that frequent NOX Group bars and clubs each month. Our dedicated staff boasts 450 employees who serve in our locations through out Israel providing clients with the ultimate nightlife experience. read more

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