Nova Process Limited - Similar companies

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Nova Process Limited

Oil & Energy ยท London

Nova Process is now part of Process Systems Enterprise Ltd (PSE). PSE is the leading supplier of Advanced Process Modelling s ... oftware and model-based engineering and innovation services to the process industries. Nova built a strong reputation for services to reduce costs and improve margins by combining extensive process knowledge and engineering experience with process modelling and data management tools. Our expertise in process improvement, energy efficiency, heat integration and dashboard technologies complement PSE's advanced process modelling operations, further extending PSE's capability to deliver solutions that significantly improve operating performance in Chemicals, Petrochemicals & Refining. The Nova team will now serve our clients through PSE and we are integrating our in-house technologies into PSE's software tools and engineering services. We thank our clients for their support in the past and we look forward to continuing to innovate and push forward chemical engineering technology and solutions for you as part of PSE. read more

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