Nousujohde Raudoitus is specialised in demanding and challenging construction sites. We started our operations in 2009. Our s ... upervisors have an average of 30 years of experience in a variety of rebar projects. The largest builders in Finland trust our workmanship. Reliability and precision ensure a successful steel reinforcement project. We are constantly looking for experienced rebar installers with the right attitude. we comply with the regulations and laws of the construction industry. We are a member of the Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT We comply with the collective agreement for the construction industry We comply with the Act on the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability when Work is Contracted Out Our staff is on the Register for Individual Tax Numbers Our credit rating is AA+ In 2013 our turnover was 3.9 million euros. Offer requests’ processing, inquiries and construction site management: Osmo Töyrylä, Tel: +358 40 873 9696 - Email: osmo.toyryla (at) read more
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