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Norlights Education AS

Education Management ยท Vestre Aker, Oslo

Norlights Education AS is an educational holding company, implementing both the Montessori- and International Baccalaureate ( ... IB) pedagogy. The company and its sister institutions aim to develop people through professional, qualified and safe education from childhood to growing age. We stand for -Education is the best investment for the future-. This precisely because each and everyone has the right to utilize and realize their full potential and contribute to building a world where education is central to human life for creating a peaceful world and community, with room and support to develop in the educational field. Norlights Education AS owns these companies' outstanding stock: Norlights International School Oslo Norlights Montessoriskole Drammen Norlights Montessoribarnehage Drammen Norlights Montessoriskole Stavanger read more

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