nIThealth - Matrix-NIT - Similar companies

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nIThealth - Matrix-NIT

Information Technology and Services ยท New York, NY

IT FOR THE HEALTHCARE INDUSTRY Matrix NITHEALTH (MTRX:Tel Aviv) is a premier world-wide provider of advanced Information Tech ... nology solutions to the healthcare industry, including hospitals, clinics, specialty providers, physician practices and government agencies. Our professional team is certified in the full range of IT solutions in the healthcare environment and our goal is to secure long-lasting productive relationships with our clients defined by mutual respect and accountability. NIT is a Matrix company with 8250 employees worldwide. Matrix offers vast experiences in healthcare IT. The company has successfully executed and completed hundreds of healthcare IT projects for some of the largest healthcare organization worldwide and can meet the unique needs and challenges of any healthcare IT project. Matrix offers one of the most advanced and comprehensive IT platforms for healthcare management, logistic, billing and financial activity. The platform is based on cutting-edge technologies that differentiate Matrix-NITHEALTH from the competition. Inquiries: (917)-512-6131 read more

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