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NH Foods Australia

Food Production · North Sydney, New South Wales
Website: www.nh-foods.com.au

NH Foods Australia is a wholly owned subsidiary of the NH Foods Group, a publicly listed company in Japan. Recognising our gl ... obal commitment to deliver the “joy of eating” around the world, NH Foods Australia produces a selection of celebrated beef brands to meet the diverse needs of our domestic and international customers. Our grainfed brands Angus Reserve, Oakey Premium Wagyu and Wild Rivers Purebred Wagyu along with our grassfed brands Manning Valley Naturally and Nature’s Fresh, are all widely recognised for their consistency, exceptional taste and quality. In fact our products have won some of the industry’s most coveted awards. NH Foods Australia also owns and operates three processing facilities – Oakey Beef Exports, Thomas Borthwick & Sons (Mackay) and Wingham Beef Exports. Each is strategically placed in prime cattle areas along the east coast of Australia, and acknowledged as industry leaders in food safety and hygiene practices. These facilities are supported by one of Australia’s largest and most modern cattle feedlots, Whyalla Beef, located on the border between New South Wales and Queensland. read more

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